Published Research Projects
- Science in Jainism, Dr M.R. Gelra
- Mathematics in Jain Agam, Dr Anupam Jain
- The Enigma of the Universe, Prof. Muni Mahendra Kumar
- Jain Agamik Dristant Kosh (Part-1), Prof. Damodar Shastri.
- Annotated Bibliography of the Jain Texts in Tamil, K.P. Aravaanan.
- Jain Studies & Science (Context : Acharya Mahapragya's Literature), Prof. M.R. Gelra
- Promoting Values in Higher Education, Dr B.R. Dugar, Dr J.P.N. Mishra and Dr Anil Dhar
- Nonviolence Relative Economics and a New Social Order, Prof. B.R. Dugar, Dr Satya Prajna, Dr Samani Ritu Prajna
- Bibliography of Jain Literature (Jaina Canons and its Commentaries and Non-canonical Original Texts and its Commentaries) (Vol. I), Dr Rohit Prajna, Dr Agam Prajna, Dr Vandana Mehta
- Bibliography of Jain Literature (General Books, Dictionaries, Encyclopaedias and Reference Books, Manuscript Catalogues) (Vol. II), Dr Rohit Prajna, Dr Agam Prajna, Dr Vandana Mehta
- जैन विद्या और विज्ञान (सन्दर्भ : आचार्य महाप्रज्ञ का साहित्य), प्रो. महावीर राज गेलरा
- जैन आगम अनुवाद परियोजना- भगवती सूत्र (भाग-1, भाग-2) का अंग्रेजी अनुवाद, मुनि महेन्द्र कुमार
- जैन आगम अनुवाद परियोजना- समयसार एवं विश्व प्रहेलिका का अंग्रेजी अनुवाद, मुनि महेन्द्र कुमार
- जैन पारिभाषिक शब्द कोश (हिन्दी), वाचना प्रमुख - आचार्य महाप्रज्ञ, मुख्य संपादक - आचार्य महाश्रमण, सह संपादक - साध्वी विश्रुत विभा
- जैन पारिभाषिक शब्द कोश (अंग्रेजी), अनु. मुनि महेन्द्र कुमार
- श्री भिक्षु आगम विषय कोश भाग-II, साध्वी सिद्ध प्रज्ञा, साध्वी विमल प्रज्ञा
- आचार्य महाप्रज्ञ का संस्कृत साहित्य, डाॅ. हरिशंकर पाण्डेय
- पटदर्शन ( 24 तीर्थंकरों के जीवन प्रतीक चिन्ह, रंग, दीक्षा आदि), प्रो. नलीनी बलबीर, डाॅ. कल्पना सेठ
- पूज्यपादेन आचार्यमहाप्रज्ञेन प्रणीता जैनन्यायपंचाशती (न्यायप्रकाशिकाव्याख्यायुता), पं. विश्वनाथ मिश्र
- जैन न्यायपंचशती (आचार्य महाप्रज्ञ की दार्शनिक कृति), पं. विश्वनाथ मिश्र
- भिक्षु न्यायकर्णिका, पं. विश्वनाथ मिश्र
- रत्नपालचरितम्, डाॅ. हरिशंकर पाण्डेय
- जैन न्याय पारिभाषिक शब्दकोश, प्रो. दामोदर शास्त्री.
- आचार्य विद्यानंदी के पत्र-परीक्षा ग्रन्थ का हिन्दी अनुवाद, डाॅ. योगेश कुमार जैन.
Completed Research Projects
- Psycho-biological Studies to Investigate Effects of Yoga and Preksha Dhyan on Aggressiveness and Academic Performance of School Children (Enhancing Ahimsa & Peaceful Co-existence through Spiritual Practices), Prof. Viney Jain.
- Impact of Training in Nonviolence on Youth, Prof. B.R. Dugar.
- Redress Mechanism for Women Victims of Domestic Violence, Prof. B.R. Dugar, Dr. Asutosh Pradhan, UGC, New Delhi (Major).
- Samayika : A Study, Prof. B.R. Dugar.
- Engaging Jainism with Modern Issues, Prof. S.R. Bhatt.
- History of Jain Philosophy and Philosophical Literature, Prof. Sagarmal Jain.
- English Translation and Transliteration of Bhagavati Aradhana with Critical Notes, Prof. Dalpat Singh Baya
- Study of Violence against Women in Rajasthan with Special Reference of Domestic Violence - Pilot Project, Prof. B.R. Dugar.
- Value Orientation Programme Project for Teacher, Students and Guardians, Prof. B.R. Dugar, MHRD.
- Editing of the Prashnavyakarana – A Lost Jaina Treatise, Prof. J.R. Bhattacharya, ICPR, New Delhi (Major).
- History of Jain Arts and Monuments, Prof. Bhagchandra Jain.
- Training in Nonviolent Action for Enlightened Citizenship, Prof. Anil Dhar, UGC, New Delhi (Major).
- Aagam Evam Aagamtulya Grantho Ka Padanukram, Prof. Samani Kusum Prajna, UGC, New Delhi (Major).
- Equipment for the Maintenance of Central Library (Vardhman Granthagar), Prof. Anil Dhar, Dr. Amit Sharma, National Archives of India, New Delhi (Minor).
- Accomplished Research on Jain Ethics, Environment Science and Social Sciences, Dr. Kamini Gogri.
- Effect of Preksha Meditation on Mental Health of Elderly People, Dr. Pratap Sanchetee.
- Effects of Prolong Fasting on Human Health, Dr. Pratap Sanchetee.
- Structural Change with Special Reference to Tertiary Sector in India, Dr. Anshu Leela, UGC, New Delhi (Major).
- Jain Logic : A Comparative Study, Prof. Bhagchand Jain.
- Archives of Jain Heritage : (i) Bibliography of Jain Literature (Vol. 1 & 2), (ii) Information regarding Jain Scholar, Jain Institution, Jain Publishers, Jain Journal etc., (iii) Bibliography of Jain Journals (Jain Journal and Tulsi Prajna) – Dr. Samani Agam Prajna, Dr. Samani Rohit Prajna, Dr. Vandana Mehta.
- Sleep - Its concepts in Ancient Oriental Philosophy and Modern Physiological Sciences - A Critical Study, Prof. J.P.N. Mishra.
- Management of Stress and Stress Related Psychosomatic Disorders by Preksha Yoga - Prof. J.P.N. Mishra.
- Sleep Quality : EEG Recording Changes After Total Relaxation - Prof. J.P.N. Mishra.
- Efficacy of CV Systems and Blood Profile of normal adult subjects (2007-2009) completed at JVB University, Prof. J.P.N. Mishra.
- Management of Diabetes Mellitus (Type II) by Preksha Yoga, Dr. J.P.N. Mishra and Sanjiv Gupta.
- Preksha Meditation as a Treatment Amodality in Drug Addicts (1998), Dr. B.P. Gaur.
- To evaluate the impact of Preksha Meditation and its components on eight emotional states of Metrocity people, conducted at Mumbai and Delhi Metro-cities, Dr. B.P. Gaur.
- Five Pilot Research Projects have been launched to investigate the efficacy of Preksha Meditation and Anupreksha in different fields like Industry, Education and Corporate Sector under "RAPS", New Delhi, Dr. B.P. Gaur.
- Influence of Preksha Meditation on Anxiety and Hassles of Housewives carried out in Jodhpur, 2008-09, Dr. B.P. Gaur.
- A minor project on “A Longitudinal Study of the Effect of Science of Living, Preksha Meditation on Personality of Student”, Dr. B.P. Gaur.
- SOL and Value Education, Dr. B.P. Gaur, NCERT.
- Development of Values through Jeevan Vigyan by Projective Techniques, Prof. Hemlata Talesara, (ERIC, NCERT, Delhi).
- A pilot project of SOL of 15 days from March 17 April 2, 2009 was completed on the students of Vimal Vidya Vihar, Senior Secondary School, Ladnun, Dr. Samani Malli Pragya.
- Forgiveness in Indian Youth, Hina Mahnot.
- History of Apabhransh Literature, Prof. Premsuman Jain.
- "Manavta Ka Bhavishya" of Acharya Mahaprajna (English translation), Dr. Samani Aagam Prajna.
- "Jiva-Ajiva" of Acharya Mahaprajna (English translation), Dr. Samani Chaitya Prajna.
- Hindi Translation of : 1. Vishesavashyak Bhasya (with commentary), 2. Avashyak Niryukti (with Haribhadra's Sanskrit commentary), Prof. Damodar Shastri.
- "Karmavada" of Acharya Mahaprajna (English translation), Dr. Samani Rohini Prajna.
- Tulsi Vangmaya Ka Sampadan, Dr. Shanta Jain.
- Encyclopaedia of Jain Narrative Tales, Prof. Kalpana Seth.
- "Jain Agamon Mein Darshan" of Dr. Samani Mangal Pragya (English translation), Samani Ramaniya Pragya.
- Jain Agamo Ka Samanya Gyan (Part-I) (Minor Project), Prof. M.R. Gelra
- Shravak Pratikraman ki Achar Samhita (Minor Project), Dr. Shanta Jain
- Inculcation of Value Education in Rural Schools of Rajasthan Through Intervention at Primary and Secondary Levels (Minor Project), Dr. Bhabagrahi Pradhan
- Jainism Practice of Tolerance and Forgiveness for Peace & Social Harmony (Minor Project), Dr. Subhash Chandra
- Prachin Sanskrit-Prakrit Sahitya Me Manav-Garima (Minor Project), Prof. Damodar Shastri
- Kaksha-Kaksh Me Manvadhikar Shikshan Adhigam ki Bhumika (Minor Project), Prof. Banwarilal Jain
- Integrating ICT in the Teaching Learning Process to Strengthen the Proficiency of Teachers Educators for Teaching Methodology of Science in B.Ed. Course (Minor Project), Dr. Pragati Bhatnagar
- Smart Class Dvara Shiksha ki Prabhavakta ka Adhyayan (Minor Project), Dr. Amita Jain
- ओघ निर्युक्ति अनुवाद, समणी कुसुम प्रज्ञा.
- आगम पदानुक्रम, प्रो. समणी कुसुम प्रज्ञा.
- आवश्यक निर्युक्ति (खण्ड-1), डाॅ. समणी कुसुम प्रज्ञा
- विज्ञान, शिक्षा एवं आध्यात्मिक परियोजना, डाॅ. श्रीमती दीपिका कोठारी.
- आगम साहित्य पदानुक्रमणिका परियोजना, (आगम साहित्य की पारिभाषित शब्दावली), डाॅ. निर्मला चोरडि़या.
- जैन अर्धमागधी आगमों का काव्यशास्त्रीय परिशीलन, डाॅ. हरिशंकर पाण्डेय, यू.जी.सी.
- करीब 30000 जैन पाण्डुलिपियों का डिजिटाईजेशन कार्य.
- प्रश्नव्याकरण का सम्पादन, प्रो. जगतराम भट्टाचार्य, ICPR.
- ठाणं अनुवाद परियोजना, डाॅ. नंदलाल जैन.
- जैन अर्धमागधी आगमों में भारतीय कला, डाॅ. हरिशंकर पाण्डेय, यू.जी.सी.
- कुम्मापुत्तचरियं का सटिप्पण अनुवाद कार्य, डाॅ. जिनेन्द्र जैन.
- जीवन के मूल तत्त्व: जीवन विज्ञान के परिप्रेक्ष्य में, डाॅ. हेमलता जोशी.
- जनजाति उपयोग क्षेत्र में दर्ज हत्या एवं आत्म-हत्या प्रकरणों का सामाजिक एवं मनोवैज्ञानिक अध्ययन, प्रो. हेमलता तलेसरा, माणिकलाल वर्मा आदिम जाति शोध एवं प्रशिक्षण संस्थान, उदयपुर.
- जैन दर्शन में जैव प्रबंधन, डाॅ. समणी सत्यप्रज्ञा, केन्द्रीय प्रदूषण नियंत्रण परिषद्, दिल्ली.
- अशोक के अभिलेखों में निहित सांस्कृतिक तत्त्व: एक अनुशीलन, डाॅ. समणी संगीत प्रज्ञा, ICSSR, New Delhi (Major).
- भिक्षु न्यायकर्णिका (आचार्य तुलसी) का अंग्रेजी अनुवाद, डाॅ. समणी चैत्य प्रज्ञा.
- अनुशास्ता आचार्यश्री तुलसी के व्याख्यानों के वीडियो का सम्पादन, डाॅ. समणी सत्य प्रज्ञा, डाॅ. समणी रोहिणी प्रज्ञा.
- आचार्य महाप्रज्ञ साहित्य का परिशीलन, डाॅ. दयानन्द भार्गव.